Sunday, April 12, 2009

बेकाउसे इ कैन

old drawing, reworked. why not?


Anonymous said...

Tuna! Ben Deniz' in arkadasiyim Sften, blogunu gosterdi cizimlerine bayildim gercekten cok basarili! bende animasyon okuorum akademide ondan gaza geldim. tebrikler, cok cok yeteneklisin!!!

allie said...

love it! very claire wendling. very stylized.
however much you may insist that you don't have a style in your work, you totally do. but its not a bad thing. embrace it!

tunamunaluna said...

Cok tesekkurler, sana da kolay gelsin :) Ne zaman mezun oluyosun?

oh allie :)

Whitney Pollett said...

I LOooove the knobbiness of this drawing! The elbows and the bends of the knees. So cool... I like.

Briganti Alejandro said...

your characters have a lot of movement, u should try with animation if u haven´t yet, u got a confident and fast hand, I´ll be coming to ur blog more often
see u!


Hello Tuna, thank you for your comments...very nice sketches, my favorites are the ones of the "Kid" !!


Mauricio Abril said...

So I finally found the "Tuna Blog." I'll definitely try to make it to the grad show.