Monday, June 15, 2009

Nilufer Bora

Mother Bora. She tried to hide these from me, coz they're from her college years and she is no longer proud of any of this. But it doesn't matter, coz I'm proud of her ;)


Thomas Lynch III said...

friggin awesome! around what year where these done?

Whitney Pollett said...

Awww, I see raw awesome talent runs in the family! These are gorgeous little drawings.

Jason Scheier said...

These remind me of some of the visual development done at Disney for Bambi!! Honestly that's what I thought you were showcasing before I read anything... Talent runs in the Family! :D

Atilla said...

haha, NICE!
"she tried to hide these from me" :P

your daughter might say the same thing one day...

Jung Park said...

Hello Tuna,

These are awesome!

so i wonder why ur so talented! =)

this is why

i hope ur having fun!


tunamunaluna said...

Thanks Thomas! I think it's early 80s? Not exactly sure, I'll ask.

Thanks Whitney! Only mom is waaay more talented.

Thanks Jason! I'll make sure I let her know :)

Atilla - var olmayan cocuklar nasil oyle seyler dicekler? haha.

Hey Jung, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the compliments!

Art Fan Ako said...

I like the moonlight scen a lot!

Jochini said...

wuuaw, i really like your works!