Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Characters!

I scanned my sketchbook recently, and decided to compile some of the characters I've done. Hope you enjoy it!


Unknown said...

Very good stuff! I love the girl in the lab coat with the clip board.

Whitney Pollett said...

Furry vest lady looks like meeeee!!!! I LOVE THEM!! Ezzzpecially the man at the bottom with the hair that looks like a carrot. Me Gusta Mucho!!

Saul Espinosa said...

:O awesome like usual.. love your sketches .. always fun 2 look at haha :]

Anonymous said...

Hey Tuna, i know your busy and everything this year with senior thesis but you wanna join our group?

Its like "our hospitality"

and you'll notice a few familiar faces and prosssssssssssssss~

anelasama said...

HEYYYYY TUNA~~!!! It's Anela! How have you been doing? I've added you to my blogspot:

I can keep up with your artwork now W00T!

Devon Whitehead said...

hahaha these rock!

Monica Grue said...

Nice Tuna... are you gonna show me your paintings or do I have to wait? :)

tunamunaluna said...

Jeremy - thank you :) she's one of my fav too

Whitney - haha whaaaA? thanks :)

Saul - ur paintings from saturday were really cool! thanks for the compliments. we should sketch together

Jason - Thanks for the invite! These two months are going to be really busy, but I'd love to join in afterwards :)

Anela - hey!! long time no see. i'll be checking your blog too!

Devon - thanks man, i'm really looking forward to seeing your transparent character in color.

Monica - the only reason why you haven't seen them already is because I haven't seen you...

Armand Serrano said...

Hey Tuna, it was pleasure meeting you at Otis last week. All I can say is your portfolio is fantastic. Keep it up and keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Opulently I acquiesce in but I about the post should acquire more info then it has.