Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Breakfast & Breakfast Only, Three Times A Day

I haven't had the time to post anything in a long time, because of crazy projects piling up. Some exciting things are happening, and sooner or later I shall post them as well.

Speaking of exciting, I should state that breakfast food always gets me excited. There are so many things you can call "breakfast", and I'm so into it.
This little sketch isn't new, but I had to post something. I think I painted this because I really wanted bacon and eggs, but didn't have bacon. Can't quite recall. Part of me wants to make a pattern out of this, and print it as wrapping paper, postcard, a t-shirt or something.


Mauricio Abril said...

haha, cool. but where's the hash browns?

C.Deboda said...

My favorite meal of the day too. This piece is going to be my new desktop wallpaper for my computer. :)

tunamunaluna said...

Mauricio, i've never made hashbrowns before, i guess i don't think about them much. i know i know..

Chris, if you want a higher res version email me haha.

Betsy Bauer said...

Breakfast food is clearly the best food

Ted Blackman said...

I admit it, I clicked on your blog because of your name alone. You had me at Tunamunaluna. I'm that shallow.

tunamunaluna said...

Betsy, I'm glad you agree. Hope you're not too busy to enjoy some good breakfasts these days.

Thanks for stopping by Ted! I hope the blog lived up its name's expectations haha

Alexiev said...

Good breakfast... it gives hunger me... I like your art...

Best wishes from Buenos Aires...

Proyectos - Illustrations

Alexiev Store - venta de originales

John Sweeney said...